Friday, August 19, 2011

September Boot Camp/Friend Challenge

Our summer session of boot camp ends next week and we are getting close to September! I would like to offer a "friend challenge" to all of you. The client that signs up the most friends for the next session will receive their choice of a new set of dumbbell weights or a new yoga mat! Class size is still limited to ensure the group stays small and you get more personal/individualized instruction. Make sure to let me know if you are signing up to make sure you get a spot!

I am also offering the last week of August free when you sign up for September's boot camp session. This next session will meet for the month of September at 5:30-6:15 on M/W/F at a new location (TBA). First day of the session is Aug 29th. Anyone that pays for this boot camp gets access to the Woodcreek location as well. I teach with Whitney Henderson (Crunch Time Fitness) at Miss May Vernon Elementary in Fate at 5:30 on T/TH. So jump in with us for added workouts. Price for repeat clients is $70. New clients pay $75.

The next session is as follows:
Free week when signed up for September's boot camp: August 29-September 2
September session: Week of September 5 through September 30th (4 week session)

Email me at
Or call 254-214-0066

Hope to see you and your friends at boot camp!